Support Our Troops – Nigeria provides more than supplies; we support the men and women of the armed forces in the field, care for their families and rally around our veterans.

Together, we can significantly add to each soldier’s ability to come home and fully re-integrate into civilian life.


When active service ends, our troops still have much to give. When we complement the skills of our servicemen and women with the training and opportunities that can help them thrive post-service, we not only give them purpose and self-worth; we give our businesses and economy a valuable resource.

Support Our Troops programmes include:

Provision of entrepreneurship and employment opportunities

Nigeria’s military brims with innovation, dedication and skill. Support Our Troops works with employers and educational establishments to bring ex-servicemen and women into the workplace, or provide the resources to help them launch ventures of their own.

Training and self-development

A military life is very different from a civilian one. To make a successful transition post-service, our troops frequently require help in job-seeking, CV building and interview techniques. The may also require help integrating into civilian life or in building confidence. Support Our Troops values partnerships with providers who can offer any of the above.