How We Support Our Troops

The work of the Support our Troops Foundation is designed to complement the ongoing activities of the government through the Ministry of Defence, the Defence Headquarters and the welfare departments of the various forces. Our activities are focused in ve key areas: DEPLOYED TROOPS | WOUNDED TROOPS | FALLEN TROOPS | RETIRED TROOPS | ALL TROOPS


SOT recognizes all that our troops and their families do to protect the freedoms every Nigerian enjoys daily. Because our military re ects the diversity of our nation, the SOT offers a variety of programmes and services designed specifically to lift spirits and strengthen resiliency across the Nigerian Armed Forces.

We anticipate that our actions will serve as a morale boost to existing troops, and encourage prospective servicemen and women to enlist, bolstering recruitment, and creating a more robust Nigerian military.


For troops injured in action, the road to recovery can be long, and the emotional, psychological, and physical effects long-lasting. Support our Troops helps injured servicemen and women and their families successfully navigate the journey to recovery.


Support our Troops will drive broader awareness of the challenges faced by our military personnel, and of their acts of valor and selfless sacrifice. We will also provide support for the loved ones of those lost whilst on active duty.


SOT aims to help our servicemen and women build fulfilling lives as they transition from service. Our partnerships will enable SOT to provide our troops with the resources they need.


Activities aimed at benefiting all of Nigeria’s servicemen and women.