Fallen Troops

We know that for all the danger they face, nothing concerns our troops more than the matter of what will happen to their loved ones should they pay the ultimate price. Support our Troops works to provide peace of mind to our servicemen and women and their families by providing a range of programmes designed to ensure that families of the fallen receive the help they need.

Our programmes include:

Emotional support and business grants for spouses
Part of the money raised by Support our Troops is used to ensure that bereaved spouses receive the help they need to come to terms with the pain of loss. SOT also provides business grants to enable spouses to build the productive careers that can help them provide for their families.

Educational support for children

When a mother or father is lost in active service, the effect on their children is profound. Yet in addition to the emotional trauma, the unsettling effects on a child’s education can mean the legacy of bereavement can last a lifetime. SOT is working to ensure that children in armed forces families are not educationally disadvantaged as a result of loss.