Deployed Troops

Active duty brings pressure and level of danger a few outside Nigeria’s armed forces can appreciate. But we can make active service easier through programmes aimed at boosting comfort and wellbeing.

Our programmes include:

 Provision of care packages/kits to the battlefront and military bases

We believe our troops shouldn’t have to wait for public holidays or messages from home to receive morale-boosting gifts. Care packages contain items troops value and appreciate, donated by individuals and organisations.

Each contains a message of support and gratitude from the sender, showing our troops that whilst they may not know their benefactor, they know they are appreciated.

Building recreation centers in all military bases in the country

On active duty, downtime is precious. Not only does it provide relief from the daily pressures; it provides an opportunity to build friendships that can prove vital in the eld, and just as essential in post-service life.

By building recreation centers, Support our Troops will help to create a rewarding, relaxing environment for our servicemen and women that can make every day easier.